Experience Design Workshop Day 1
13. June 2019Day 3: Focusing on the hands
15. June 2019Day 2: Strawberries and cinnamon, and heartfelt feelings
Today was about emotion. How do you design experience so that it triggers specific feelings and moods? Entirely in keeping with the theme, to kick off we were served a somewhat sweet, palate-pleasing juice drink made of fresh strawberries, apples, and cinnamon.
It really was a day of “total immersion.” We worked individually on questions of personal development. In our theme teams (where we come together repeatedly over the three days) we focused on our concrete case from drawn from day-to-day practice. And then there are also other small group formats and the plenum. In between we have what’s called Open Space for relaxation.
Tensions arose in one of the theme teams. An argument ensued, and the mood shifted. In an instant, the playful, creative magic that had come about quite of its own accord was swept away.
Being able to work creatively requires a conducive framework – a light, open, positive atmosphere.