Day 2: Strawberries and cinnamon, and heartfelt feelings
15. June 2019Emotional closeness and professional distance – from Andreas Grabenstein
19. January 2020Day 3: Focusing on the hands
Head – heart – hands, three levels that need to be addressed in order to make experience comprehensively tangible. Today, the focus is on implementation. A lot of work is being done with prototype construction, fast, very rapidly paced, the first idea that comes to mind is used.
We conclude our case studies and develop a presentation of our results. The goal is for this to be a moving experience for the others, and enable them to unfold their potential. It’s not so easy to plan and implement in 20 minutes. But it works; something amazing is created.
On the third day, the dynamics of the study group as a whole also shift. There is a lot of laughter, energized work, and based on growing trust something like a flow develops in the entire group. In most cases, it‘s been possible to come into contact with each of the other 20 participants, to work together as a unit, and gain insight into completely different points of view.
Time to sum up. It was a thoroughly rewarding experience, even if some of the material was already familiar, and here and there the same models are always utilized. I profited enormously from becoming acquainted with the perspectives of colleagues from Africa, South America, Asia, Southern and Northern Europe, and Russia.
So long, Aarhus, maybe see you soon!